This time though we flew:
We've never flown together and I thought it was interesting....I'm not so sure about Steven though...haha.
I'm not the best flier. Pretty much everyone in my family loves to fly and my dad used to work for an airlines which meant flying free by stand-by so we were able to travel quite a lot growing up. Loved traveling, hated flying. And I still don't really like it. Luckily, since we left on St. Patrick's Day, Southwest had a special where everyone on the flight (21+ of course!) were given a free can of Heineken to enjoy:
Pretty sweet deal! And although it was 7 a.m., you can't let something like that go to waste! Plus it was the only drink we had on St. Patty's day.....we're good kids!
So Steven put up with my slight anxiety of flying (haaaa) and got a free beer out of the deal. Not bad, right? (By the way, Steven loves flying. Loves, loves, loves it. Of course.)
When we got there, I was so excited to see my sister P, and niece AJ waiting for us! AJ was of course a little shy at first, she just kept staring and smiling, it was so cute! :)
She saw me at Christmas and P and I skype every few weeks and she "talks" to me on the phone all of the time, but I wasn't sure if she would really remember me. And the last time she saw Steven she was just a little thing, so I was most nervous about her freaking out because he was around (he tends to scare little ones because he's 6' 7"...basically a giant to them!) but she did really good!
We had fun though, went to Purina Farms, went to P's work, went on a walk, blew bubbles, and I made two tutus for AJ - I think they turned out super cute!!
Steven and I were also able to go to Anheuser-Busch for their brewery tour and had a really good time! All of those pictures are on Steven's computer though so I'll try to post them later!
It was a great short trip and I'm hoping we can go back this summer....I don't like them living so far away! :(
But we're lucky in the fact of all of these technologies to keep in touch with each other and we do get to see each other quite often, so can't complain too much! My dad heads down next weekend to see them and to run the St. Louis Half-Marathon, I'm sure he's going to have an awesome time!
It was a great short trip and I'm hoping we can go back this summer....I don't like them living so far away! :(
But we're lucky in the fact of all of these technologies to keep in touch with each other and we do get to see each other quite often, so can't complain too much! My dad heads down next weekend to see them and to run the St. Louis Half-Marathon, I'm sure he's going to have an awesome time!
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