I do have to admit that I dropped AJ on her head :-/
We were at Ikea and she was sitting in one of these and I was playing with her, tipping her back and what not and my hands just missed grabbing the handle bars....I felt sooooo bad. Granted, there was a pocket holder full of stuff that broke her fall, along with my feet, and she only fell back maybe three inches. But still. Eeeeek :-/
I still feel bad about it {Sorry PB} :(
It's crazy how advanced AJ is though, already stringing together two-to-three words {She'll be two in November}, pointing at things and connecting them with other things, she can point to us and says our names, knows what things are....it's crazy! She also sometimes signs with a word, which I personally love :)
She's just sooo cute, I can't get enough of her! Pretty soon I'll be down there though and I'm sure I'll see them plenty....haha. They're getting ready to put their house on the market so I'm sure once it's sold and they buy a new one, I'll get the pleasure of packing things into my wagon Bessie, and making multiple trips. Joy. It'll be great once it's all done though...I just hope their house sells pretty fast and we can get them in a new place before Christmas, but I'm kinda doubting that. We'll just have to wait and see!
So it was a busy busy week, but so fun and I'm starting to get more and more nervous/excited for moving time to MO! It's coming up crazy-fast!
P.S. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret....ever get sunburned? I rarely ever get burned, but when I do, I throw the Aloe Vera out the window and use my secret weapon - St. Ive's Vitamin E lotion! It never fails to turn my burn to tan and I never peel when I use it. It's awesome. It even works with wind-burn. Seriously. Best thing ever :)